martes, 30 de mayo de 2017

The life without me

The life without me

Have you ever heard of the butterfly effect, for I will tell you. Well, basically the butterfly effect is a concept of chaos theory idea is that any small discrepancy between two situations with a very small variation such as the flapping of a butterfly example that due to its tiny interaction with its surrounding environment may Catastrophic effects occur, thus changing the fact of life as we know it.
Resultado de imagen
From my existentialist point of view, every man is born alone, being a coherent person of his acts by which he acts voluntarily, that is to say, he is responsible for the actions that influence his life and if he only interferes in the one of the others This would drastically change the fate of people. Also of the concept of what is the butterfly effect will continue adding a bit about the chaos that we will pass from our existence to this some time some of us maybe we have asked this question And yes maybe I would not have done that? If I could erase some action from the past? Or if we go further back to ask ourselves what would have happened if we had not been born? Well, what I will tell you, is the answer to the questions in my life.

Resultado de imagen para teoria del caos
Imagine now if I had not been born, everything I have now would never have existed, my happiness to see my little sister born, my fruits of the passage of my life in school. For this is what I will tell you. This is my hypothesis of what would have happened. However, what I focus on most will be about my achievements throughout my life and I would have changed. In my point of view I had been born because of in this world exists a lot of things that I don´t know yet and I love things in this world that make me happy and I thing this world it´s great.
First of all I started talking a little about my childhood, at school I was an applied boy so it was the pride of my parents, now maybe this will not happen perhaps it seems my parents would never have felt again what they felt At the moment of seeing me there achieving great achievements. Time after this I graduated and I finished school. That image reflected in a memory clearly showed the happiness that my parents felt in their first child and that fulfilled all their expectations. And if only something had been different had never happened what happened
Some time later I managed to enter open heart where I met my goal of training as a good person and where I also won the position of president of my school which is a very big responsibility which I am doing for this school that I love a lot but if only I would not have been born perhaps another that would occupy my place if we analyzed the situation that would have happened another person with the sufficient leadership would be where I so longed to be.
Maybe all my dreams would never have been fulfilled perhaps my dream of being an auditor would never have happened If only I had helped in the future different thoughts of the people or simply that some people change their opinion in their life and improve with the help of mine I would have done too much just pictures of all the things that I can do for now I will not do them again If it did not exist.

La imagen puede contener: 3 personas
Well that's the theory of the chaos of my life as if my parents had never met so many things would have changed today The positive side would be that everything you spend goes through something everything is kept an order and the fact that I Be here it is with a specific objective which very soon will give meaning to my life what I will do and what I continue to do in the future for it the only thing I can do is prepare my follow up with my career with my studies and thus come to fulfill my dreams
To conclude this little ferment what I sing about my life today is that they do not stop at the time to meet their objectives keep going and fight for what you want if they are here is for something all that happens is also for something so continue Go ahead and hope this helps them to become aware of what they can do and what would have happened if only a small situation had changed the course of their lives.


PIKE, Rockville, (sep, 2007), “Chaos Theory”,
BRADLEY, Larry, (2010), “The Butterfly Effect”,
DIZIKES, Peter, (2011), “Butterfly Effect, What it is?”

domingo, 28 de mayo de 2017


REFLECTIONThis week through our base groups we first perform the review of the rubric of the article's qualification in which it detailed points such as the links where we look for our information, another point also of which we will use for this time is how attractive our article Depending on the theme that each one has raised to present his article.Also during all this week we realize what is the outline that is a structured curl with the concrete bases that we must have for our article in if this week has been that.Also worth mentioning that we had a test of reading in thathquiz

domingo, 21 de mayo de 2017

Esta semana dentro de los grupos bases formamos primero una lluvia de ideas primero para reconocer los tópicos de los que vamos a hablar a la hora de realizar todos nuestros artículos, en el cual nosotros en nuestros celulares trabajamos un documento en el cual colocamos todos estos y lo subimos al drive de nuestro profesor.
Durante estos días también tranajamos en nuestros grupos bases para realizar un outline a cerca del cuerpo de nuestro essay de lo que hablará con un mínimo de 3 a 5 hojas de artículo, de igual manera subimos un documentos al drive de nuestro profesor el cual un par de días despues nos subió corregido y listo para que nosotros revisemos nuestros errores y mejorar nuestro essay.
También nos tomaron otra prueba a cerca de las transitional words.
Estamos a pocas semanas de acabar nuestro transcurso en el colegio y dar el siguiente paso para nuestra formación.

domingo, 7 de mayo de 2017


This week had only three days where we began to work with transitionals words.
Tuesday We began with this project about the final product about the essay to final. And the wednesday equal to tuesday we continued to the transitionals words.
This is all work that we did in class this week but me the day wednesday I could not go to class because I had a meeting about INEVAL test with the autorities of the school.
The day thusday we had a test about the INEVAL test to prepare our to this Exam